Online course registration process

In line with the University desire to commence online registration and approval of courses with effect from 2013/2014 academic session, we wish to remind you of the process (steps) and your respective roles to enable you advise your students and enhance effective implementation.

1 . 0    P R O C E S S A ND R O L E OF E A C H P A R T I C I P A NT

The processes for each participant are as follows:


Step 1: Students who have been given provisional admission pay acceptance fee at any designated bank of their choice and collect e-tranzact pin from the bank.

Step 2: Students logon to and fill a profile form, register their acceptance fee online with the e-tranzact pin collected from the bank and print out their acceptance letter.

Step 3: With a copy of their online acceptance letter students obtains their temporary matric number from their faculty officer.

Step 4: Students with their temporary matric number proceed to any designated bank of their choice to pay school fees and collect e-tranzact pin from the bank.

Step 5: Students logon to, update their profile details, register their school fee online with the e-tranzact pin collected from the bank and print out their school fees online payment slip.

Step 6: Students print out copies of completed profile (Registration) form and submit to Department, Faculty etc.  This  replaces  the  old  Student  Registration  form  as  it  contains  all  of  the information there and much more. Faculty Officers are to ensure the required number is submitted

Step 7: Students continue on/ logon to to register their courses online.

Step 8: Students wait for their courses to be approved by their academic advisers

Step 9 Academic Advisers logon  to daily to  check on  student  registration and approve/ disapprove registration submission by students as well as give HODs regular report on the status of their wards.

Step 10: If courses are approved, students print out the approved copy and send copies to their department, faculty and keep one for themselves. This replaces the old Course Registration form. If courses are not approved, students are to see their academic adviser to make necessary corrections. Faculty Officers are to ensure the required number is submitted.

Step 11: HODs logon to to monitor compliance daily/weekly and use the information to guide the process in their Departments. From the portal they publish list of those who have registered particular courses to the lecturers for use in quizzes, tests and exams

Step 12: Academic Staff obtain list of those who have registered for their courses from the HOD for use in administering quizzes/tests/exams and submitting results

Step 13: HODs/Exam Officers logon to and upload Senate/Faculty/Department approved semester results using lists and formats downloaded from the site

Step 14: Students logon to from anywhere to their page to check results. Paper results will no longer be published in the former manner

Step  15:  Exams  Unit  can  logon  to  to  access  published  results  once  they  are available


They as administrators of their Faculties are to monitor and ensure compliance with all requirements of registration as is required by the University Regulations and Senate/Management instructions.


Faculty  Officers  are  to  screen  prospective  students,  issue  registration  numbers,  guide  online registration, receive online registration printouts at every stage, etc


Step 1: HOD logon to (Ansu Portal – Staff Login) and login with their username and password already given to them.

Step 2 Update their admin account and upload their passport picture. Step 3: Change their password to a new password (For a first time user).

Step 4: View students’ profile. The HOD will see the list of all the students that have registered for that particular level, then click on edit on the right to view each student’s profile detail.

Step 4: Un-Approve Courses. The HOD can view all courses of the department and has right to Un- Approve courses already approved by Academic Advisers if there is a mistake.  This module will also help the HOD know Academic Advisers that are working.

Step 5: Download Class List. The HOD will see the list of all the courses for that level. A click on each course will show the students that have registered that particular course. There is a download button to download the Class List & Class Score Sheet for each course. The softcopy of this Class Score Sheet will be downloaded for each course and given to the respective lecturers to produce their results.

Step 6: Upload Results. The HOD collects results from Lectures in softcopy and uploads through the Upload Results button.

Step 7: The  HOD  can  view the  results  after they  have  been  uploaded  through  the View  Results button.


Step 1: Academic Advisers logon to (Ansu Portal – Staff Login) and login with their username and password already given to them.

Step 2: Update their admin account and upload their passport picture. Step 3: Change their password to a new password (For a first time user).

Step 4: Academic Advisers click on Course Registration – Approve courses, select the session and semester and click on View Registered Students. Click view for each student to view the courses the student registered. Click Approved OR Not Approved as the case maybe.

Step 5: Academic Advisers click on Results to view student’s results after the results have been uploaded by the HOD / Exam Officer.


Academic Staff are to obtain list of those who have registered for their courses from the HOD for use in administering quizzes/tests/exams and submitting results At the end of semester exams, each lecturer will collect a softcopy of his/her course Class Score Sheet from the HOD. This is what he/she will use to produce the course result after going through the necessary approvals and submit back to HOD for upload.

2 . 0       OT H E R I M P OR T A N T NOT E S

1.   The Registration process will be guided by the General and Academic Regulations of the University as published and additional instructions, like these, put forth by the authority of the Senate and Management of the University

2.   The  University  rules  require that  any  student  with  carry-over  courses  register  them first before registering fresh courses for the semester. While the ICT unit makes effort to bring automation to this process, Academic Advisers are to apply this and other relevant regulations in the approval of courses submitted for registration by students

3.   The portal will send an email to the student on the status of his/her course registration once the academic adviser acts on it. Students are therefore required to enter their own email addresses in the relevant place in the profile registration form. The ICT Unit has university email addresses  for  all  staff  and  students.  Please walk into the unit and collect/activate yours.

4.   The Portal has provision through the Add/Delete buttons on the course registration page for students to add courses not listed for their level. They may use this as long as the maximum unit permitted is not exceeded

5.   PLEASE NOTE THAT ONCE THE REGISTRATION PORTAL IS SHUT, STUDENTS WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO REGISTER FOR THE SEMESTER (even if they have paid fees). At that point it will be the duty of the Department to advice the students who are caught out to apply to the

Registrar  through  the  HOD  and  Dean  of  Faculty  for  voluntary  leave  of  absence  for  the semester and to reactivate their studentship the next semester through the same process

6.   After marking the exam scripts, the examiner will obtain the downloaded official grade sheet (soft copy) for the course from the HOD/Exam officer of the Department. This contains the names and registration numbers of students who have registered for that course. The examiner  will  use  this  to  enter  continuous  assessment  and  exam  scores  for  each.  The examiner subsequently prints this out for Departmental and Faculty approvals. Where there are corrections, he/she effects this in the soft copy and submits same to HOD for upload to the Portal

7.   Whereas online registration is designed to be accomplished anywhere students/staff have internet access, Staff of the ICT Unit are available to assist and guide through the process. They may be reached physically at the offices in Uli, Igbariam and Awka Campuses or electronically through phones and emails.


Heads of Department are enjoined to note the processes stated here and duplicate this document to all teaching and relevant non-teaching staff in their Departments